Saturday, February 29, 2020

An almost One Monthly Goal Finish

Unfortunately February is just not long enough!

I need to remember next year to be kinder to myself... here in Northland, New Zealand we are still hitting temperatures in the high twenties (celcius) and while that may not seem hot to some... combined with the usual humidity it is pretty oppressive.  Consequently, I tend to find sewing enthusiasm a bit vague!

So i am a bit disappointed to report that so far I have only finished exactly 3/4 of the quilting on Dylan's Hawthorn Quilt 😣

A square stipple is my go to happy place...

And I have decided to make the first week of March an honorary week of February and get a few more tasks finished before setting March goals.

Check out other One Monthly Goal participants achievements HERE!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

One Monthly Goal - February

 One of the small adjustments to my goal setting list this year is to nominate a Key Goal for the month.  This really just started because there was a space for this on my planner page and I though... Ok, well, might as well fill it in.  This also seemed like a good opportunity to join in with Elm Street Quilts who hosts One Monthly Goal (after reading about Raewyns adventures for the last few years 😉).  AND  super excited to have been  a January prizewinner on my first linkup!  THANKS to Fat Quarter Shop!

So my February Key Goal is to quilt Dylan's Hawthorn Quilt.  See other participants monthly goals on Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal February Link-up.

The Hawthorn Quilt is from Sharon Holland's book Utility Quilts and is big bold blocks with strong fabric choices.  I love it.

The backing is pieced from an assortment of stash fabrics... including a little applique block Dylan designed and we put together about 8 or 9 years ago (and it's finally finding a home).

January had a mini goal to get this all basted... which was done.  Now to quilt.  As I am a notoriously slow quilter... getting this finished will be a real challenge.

On a side note, I have chosen the Patchwork City quilt top to baste this month... and so the cycle somewhat carries on... fingers crossed!

On another side note, I have found my WIP list enormously useful as far as plotting which quilts have backing fabric... and taking advantage of fabric specials as I find suitable matches.  This also goes for binding options.  AND also choosing what project to work on next.  With a free day on Friday after completing everything on my January to do list I chose the Avalon Quilt to sew together the blocks.  This quilt was chosen as with 16 blocks it was relatively quick, and it was started in December 2012... high time for it to get finished.

Yay... another top to add to the quilting pile!