Friday, September 11, 2020

Making plans and sticking to them

 So I did something I haven't really done before... looked at all the tasks I want to achieve by the end of the year and worked out a bit of task division... what I can get finished each month... and made a bit of a schedule for the next month or so.

My plan is actually semi complicated because I have considered what key sewing tasks to focus on and then found a complementary project that fits as a leader ender that is also on the list.  I've got a mix of techniques that uses two of my sewing machines on multiple tasks, and several projects that need to be laid out on my open floor space... which is in high demand.

I know!  A bit EXTRA!

First up was working on Section 6 of Line Dried and although I haven't spent a lot of time on this this week, just stitching a few triangles or cutting a new block out... I've got to the stage I only need to finish one more block and this section will be finished!

My leader ender project has been to sew 3 Giant Granny square blocks and I'm almost finished the last one already.

I really do love everything about these blocks 💙💙💙

Now to make everyone feel really old I took my not quite 17 year old son to his first job interview this week!  Wow... hasn't time flown.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Firstly, I don’t need you to make me feel old. I can do that very well on my own! 😃 But I guess having some many projects on the go and jumping between you not only keeps you on your toes but is good brain training too! Good luck sticking to your plans!