Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Today, Snoopy (the cat) and I have been banished to the sleepout while our lounge and bedrooms are fumigated for fleas.  I am blaming the previous owners and the long dormant period that flea eggs can remain tucked away in all sorts of remote places - not obviously the fact that Snoopy probably has had fleas and hasn't had enough flea treatment over the course of the last year.  But then, I keep expecting her to die, so I tend to ignore some things incase she has died in the meantime!

I have been quite industrious in the last couple of hours, and have started sorting part of my hoarde of scraps into rainbow piles to be filed into little bags.  I have discovered that I have hardly any yellow fabric, and also quite an alarming pile of various blacks - even though I have only done two quilts with black in them!  I will also need to buy some bigger bags!  On the down side, I have only emptied one shopping bag of mixed scraps - there is still a box or two lurking...  I have also started piecing the basket block (see earlier post) - which is working out quite nicely.  Will have to wait for a photo - as I have just risked fumes to come and get an emergency coffee (and check emails etc) and need to evacuate for another hour or sew... I mean, so!

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