Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Really Great Week

I've just had a really great week.  This month I was a bit light on my monthly goals... mostly because I wasn't sure how the clothing sewing was going to go and how much time it would take up.  With one dress down, I can put that aside for a bit, and now that I can focus back on patchwork goals, I feel a lot more settled.

Charlotte's mystery quilt appeared on Carol's Quilts blog, and I searched out a possible selection of fabrics... but still had to read through the instructions to work out whether what I had would meet the requirements.  It took a bit of figuring... but I think it has all worked out.

I started off with a feature fabric and bunch of possible team mates:

While I had intended to chop up the feature fabric, it then became difficult to slot the other fabrics into the necessary positions according to the requirements.  So I made an executive decision, and figured I'd use the feature as a border... and use the other fabrics as the main contenders, and listed them as follows:

I added this Denyse Schmidt fabric into the B section of darks... it gives me four good dark options, although I've left the stripe in there because (a) I don't know where else to put it and this seems like the best fit and (b) while I would like to use it... I'm not sure whether it will work out in the long run.  The down side of participating in a mystery!

And I got my month one's blocks finished.  Four four patches...

And four four patches with a half square triangle in one of the  positions.  Then I had a bit of fun spinning these around...

Okay, on to the rest of the week.  I've been buzzing through the Tillies Lane hourglass blocks, and sewing triangles to my Sugar Club blocks... enough that I have completed not one...

but two upsize blocks!

I left a comment on someones blog about the interesting variety of blocks on the design wall... so just for full disclosure, there are remnants of three very different projects littered all over my one at the moment!


Leeanne said...

I love the design wall in all it's glory! Perhaps I could cover all my walls in my sewing nook with cotton batting and then place all the stuff I am work on there to see...........mmmm maybe NOT too scary!

Susan said...

Your design wall looks great! I've never participated in a mystery quilt. I'm sure I wouldn't have enough fabric to work it all out! So I'll enjoy watching yours come together!

Debbie said...

You have really been on a roll getting projects accomplished!

Lynette said...

Oh, wow, Suz! SO much prettiness there on the wall! LOVE your choices for the mystery quilt. That'll be so pretty inside the border feature.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Wonderful Sugar Block.

Charlotte Scott said...

Design wall is awesomely intimidating! Like what you've done with the mystery quilt blocks colourwise. Yummy.

Susana Laurencia said...

Love the new quilt block, what is the pattern called? And your bird block is very sweet!
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