Well, to start, I didn't get the job I applied for. Had a wonderful interview yesterday, but some things are just not meant to be. On the positive side, I pegged out two loads of kids washing yesterday (this filled up my entire line and used up all my pegs) when it was soo lovely and hot - and risked it and left it outside overnight (even though the weather report was dodgy to say the least) as it wasn't quite dry yet - and it didn't start raining until the morning, and I got it inside without it getting noticeably wet!! Woohoo.
I have also finished my round robin block - and have spent the morning removing the paper from inside the applique. Which is not as bad as it sounds. So recap the basic process. Trace and cut out freezer paper pattern on the line, and iron to wrong side of fabric. Cut around freezer paper with skinny 1/4" seam allowance. Use water soluble glue to stick seam allowance over to wrong side - trimming seams and clipping curves where necessary. Glue all the elements together before finally gluing the applique design to the backing fabric. Use invisible thread and tiny zigzag to attach applique to background. Cut between all the stitching lines on the back to reveal the paper. Lay face down (the applique not you) on a flat surface, and cover with damp cloth for 20min or so, to allow the glue to disolve and unadhere from the paper and fabric. Basically use any method required to remove paper from the fabric - fingers, nails, tweezers... are all good. Press until dry.
My block now gets sent to Australia... and hopefully I'll get somebody elses block arrive in the post one day soon. It will be interesting to see how other people have interpreted the theme.
I plan to do some reading now, listen to the rain, enjoy the last few days of the holidays...
Where I share my projects; the progression from start to finish (often with more in the starting department, and less in the finishing)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Woke up in a foul mood
No, not a post about my chickens - although my orange one looks like it is going clucky again, which just upsets all the other ones, and ends up with NO eggs. Really, woke up this morning a bit grumpy and the day has just progressed in a steady downhill slide. I am just grumpy. Probably PMT - but on the upside, I have achieved a whole lot. I planted some lettuce, onions, beetroot, carrots and dwarf beans. I baked biscuits and a cake. Roasted my surplus tomatos with some garlic and capsicum and whizzed it all up as a base for pizzas and meatloaf etc. I have taken before, during and after photos - but my camera battery is being recharged so they will have to wait until next time. I have tidied and rearranged Dylan's room and will start on Nadia's next... and pegged out two loads of washing. I still have a mean as grumpy streak...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Today is Monday and...
I have been making progress with my round robin, and have included a photo of the original 1/4 design of the whole - which I slightly changed once I'd cut all the paper pieces as the 3 stem fern didn't fit within the 12" square - so I chopped one of the korus off, and added it to the other side of it... I have almost finished turning under the seam allowances, and it will only take a few hours (hopefully) of machining it all down.
I also decided to just do it, and sent in a submission to Stitch Magazine for project instructions for Nadia's black/white and pink snuggle quilt. They can only say no after all - and nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Onwards and upwards
Time is slowly ticking past, and there is only one more week of school holidays left. I have applied for a part-time job and have an interview next week. If that falls through, I have two months of temporary part time work to keep me occupied. So the beginning of the school year will bring a lot of changes.
Yesterday when I went to collect the eggs, there was a new one in the coup. Definitely a new one as I've never had a brown egg before - and a different shape to the usual "roundie" and "pointie" ones. Mucho excito! One of my new "girls" has hopefully started a long life of egg producing...
I have also been making progress with my round robin project. The guidelines were to represent where you're from in a 12" block. My first instinct was the image of koru/spirals representing water/waves, family and bush. And I wanted to have a link between the elements. My original idea of doing the snowflake paper cutting didn't quite work as that gave a mirror image of the 1/4 design, and I preferred the design to flow around with each element pointing the same way. I also chose fabrics from my stash that had the right "feel", and will suggest to the other participants to utilise their stash in preference to chosing purposely bought fabrics. So I have chosen a batik motley sand, two blues and two moss fabrics. I am using freezer paper for the template, using a gluestick to turn the seam allowances over - then using a machine stitch to attach to background fabric. Once the design has been set on point it also reminds me of the whole southern cross thing... all in all, I feel very representational of my place in the world.
I have also bought a few new fat quarters from The Powerquilter - quite what I plan to do with them at this stage is a bit of a mystery - but the chicken/bird fabric was just too cute to resist.
I think these guys are ready to start back at school again. |
Yesterday when I went to collect the eggs, there was a new one in the coup. Definitely a new one as I've never had a brown egg before - and a different shape to the usual "roundie" and "pointie" ones. Mucho excito! One of my new "girls" has hopefully started a long life of egg producing...
I have also been making progress with my round robin project. The guidelines were to represent where you're from in a 12" block. My first instinct was the image of koru/spirals representing water/waves, family and bush. And I wanted to have a link between the elements. My original idea of doing the snowflake paper cutting didn't quite work as that gave a mirror image of the 1/4 design, and I preferred the design to flow around with each element pointing the same way. I also chose fabrics from my stash that had the right "feel", and will suggest to the other participants to utilise their stash in preference to chosing purposely bought fabrics. So I have chosen a batik motley sand, two blues and two moss fabrics. I am using freezer paper for the template, using a gluestick to turn the seam allowances over - then using a machine stitch to attach to background fabric. Once the design has been set on point it also reminds me of the whole southern cross thing... all in all, I feel very representational of my place in the world.
Sorry, not the greatest photo - it is a very gloomy day today, and just enough glare to be a nuisance! |
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Quilt Exhibition
Well, the exhibition is now in full swing. I have done my duty morning this morning, while David took the kids to watch Yogi Bear at the movies. Worked out well all around! I didn't manage to take photos of all my things on display, as usual it took me most of my shift to find them all. However, here are the biggies...
I think the best thing about the show this year is that it is well balanced, with a good mix of big, little, wallhangings, bags etc - as well as a variety of styles and colours. What an enormously talented bunch we are. Hopefully the quilts will appear in the Kerikeri Club's blog - so keep an eye on that as well. (If you click on my full profile it shows the other blogs I keep track of and you can just click it.)
Tomorrow is the last day of the exhibition, and we will need to go and help decamp. Only takes a few minutes for it to start looking bare and unloved - although I know it takes hours to set up. I have some other sewing projects which I am keen to get started on while they are new and exciting - and also need to refine my design for the Round Robin design.
I think the best thing about the show this year is that it is well balanced, with a good mix of big, little, wallhangings, bags etc - as well as a variety of styles and colours. What an enormously talented bunch we are. Hopefully the quilts will appear in the Kerikeri Club's blog - so keep an eye on that as well. (If you click on my full profile it shows the other blogs I keep track of and you can just click it.)
Tomorrow is the last day of the exhibition, and we will need to go and help decamp. Only takes a few minutes for it to start looking bare and unloved - although I know it takes hours to set up. I have some other sewing projects which I am keen to get started on while they are new and exciting - and also need to refine my design for the Round Robin design.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Progress so far
Quilting sure does take it's toll on your body. I spent two days doing relatively intensive machine quilting on my fat quarter quilt (the one with the machine blanket stitch applique designs). Looks cool - but if I hadn't of had a deadline looming, well, it probably would have taken me two weeks. So I have a back that needs adjusting (me, not the quilt!) Yesterday and the night before, I completed sewing down the binding on my huge purple quilt. So this morning my arms ache - simply from the weight of the quilt. My day so far, coffee, weetbix, put out rubbish and feed chickens (collect yet another courgette and some tomatoes from the garden on the way back from the chickens), two Nurofen tablets, and another coffee!
And what is on the agenda for today? Well, I need to bind the fat quarter quilt, and then hand sew the binding down, attach hanging sleeve, then trim all those pesky threads. I also have two smaller projects that just need the last bit of their bindings sewn down.
Deadline tomorrow - about midday... wish me luck!
And what is on the agenda for today? Well, I need to bind the fat quarter quilt, and then hand sew the binding down, attach hanging sleeve, then trim all those pesky threads. I also have two smaller projects that just need the last bit of their bindings sewn down.
Deadline tomorrow - about midday... wish me luck!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Swimming Pool Madness
This is what happens when your husband forgets that there is a shade sail below the deck when you are throwing goggles from that deck into the pool! |
And I made my first beeroot picking into the recipe in the Edmonds book - adding sugar and vinegar. My only memory of my mum buying a real live beetroot (ie not in tins) - involved boiling it and forgetting it - which resulted in a burnt lump of charcoal in the pot which stunk the whole house out. So it was with a certain amount of concern that I put my beetroot in the pot of water - and set the alarm! It turned out fine, and we all had some with our dinner that night - very nice!
On the creative front, I have purchased some back issues plus the current issue of Stitch Magazine, and have been pouring over the articles, patterns, advertising and need to go through them all again to take it all in. One article that has grabbed my attention is about a group of people pledging to not buy new clothes for a period of time - say 6 months. Instead sewing and refashioning second hand clothes. So this will be one website that I intend to have a look around (of course, once I have finished those darned things for exhibition - counting down those days still, and getting scarier) - wardroberefashion.net
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I'm having a break - from sewing that is.
I have started being good. But my leg had pins and needles so I'm having a break from the dreaded machine blanket stitch that needs to be finished. I have completed one whole design this morning, so that leaves two more to do.
This is one whole design. |
The Leaning Tower of Chilly Bins |
Santa delivered new scooters - ones with big wheels that can drive over grass and up hills! |
Of course he is watching TV, but in his new tshirt from Poppa John, and he looks nice and quiet, just the way I like them. |
Oh, well. Back to the grindstone...
Monday, January 3, 2011
Xmas and New Year
We had a lovely Xmas day at home with my Dad (Poppa John) with BBQ roast chicken and roasted veges. We disappeared for a few days over New Years camping up at Waipapakauri Ramp and picked tuatua's on 90 mile beach, and went paddling and surfcasting at Houhora heads. A bit of a mixture of weather but we did have some lovely hot days. Came home with a bit of sunburn but nothing too major. It is lovely to be home again and not sleeping on an air bed any more! Very late nights and children do not really go together all that well and we had some spectacular behaviour once we got home.
A friend was feeding our dog while we were away - and said she saw "Mr Rat" running from the chicken coup to the vege garden. We have since killed at least 5 rats in the vicinity. Yuck. On a positive note, on returning home from holiday, we picked about 6 courgettes, 15-20 potatoes (from 3 seed potato plants) and 3 beetroots which I will try to cook up tomorrow. We still have 7 potato plants to dig up, and the courgettes just keep on coming! The experiment with mixed planting beans, pumpkin and sweetcorn has had mixed results. The idea is to keep roots cool from the pumpkin foliage and the beans and sweetcorn create a self supporting structure. Unfortunately the beans have strangled the sweetcorn and it is very prickly ferriting through the pumpkin leaves to locate the beans. BUT, the beans are growing well, and the pumpkins are also so far doing very well - so perhaps I should have planted the sweetcorn out once they were bigger??
Mysteries of Life: why is it when I go on holiday, my hair goes weird and my skin breaks out most unattractively? I thought that the hair thing was because I normally blow dry it, and it sort of did it's own thing while we camped - but once returning home, it styled itself perfectly normally even without the aid of the hairdryer?
I have not done any sewing since my last post. Although I am not Catholic, I feel like I am in a confessional box admitting my worst sin. I am counting the days until the exhibition and realising that there are not all that many left, and will need to place bomb under a certain tush to get things finished in time. My project list of things that I was hoping to submit will need to be culled.
A friend was feeding our dog while we were away - and said she saw "Mr Rat" running from the chicken coup to the vege garden. We have since killed at least 5 rats in the vicinity. Yuck. On a positive note, on returning home from holiday, we picked about 6 courgettes, 15-20 potatoes (from 3 seed potato plants) and 3 beetroots which I will try to cook up tomorrow. We still have 7 potato plants to dig up, and the courgettes just keep on coming! The experiment with mixed planting beans, pumpkin and sweetcorn has had mixed results. The idea is to keep roots cool from the pumpkin foliage and the beans and sweetcorn create a self supporting structure. Unfortunately the beans have strangled the sweetcorn and it is very prickly ferriting through the pumpkin leaves to locate the beans. BUT, the beans are growing well, and the pumpkins are also so far doing very well - so perhaps I should have planted the sweetcorn out once they were bigger??
Mysteries of Life: why is it when I go on holiday, my hair goes weird and my skin breaks out most unattractively? I thought that the hair thing was because I normally blow dry it, and it sort of did it's own thing while we camped - but once returning home, it styled itself perfectly normally even without the aid of the hairdryer?
I have not done any sewing since my last post. Although I am not Catholic, I feel like I am in a confessional box admitting my worst sin. I am counting the days until the exhibition and realising that there are not all that many left, and will need to place bomb under a certain tush to get things finished in time. My project list of things that I was hoping to submit will need to be culled.
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